Friday, July 5, 2013

Overhead Press --> Split Jerk

Today was overhead press day, without a doubt my least favorite day of the week. I say it's my least favorite because it's not a competition lift, but really it's probably got a lot more to do with the fact that my overhead press SUCKS. Actually, I don't even do a real overhead press until my last set as a finisher; I do a push press, which also pretty much sucks (my form is bad, my weight is plateaued pretty much constantly, and I am always throwing my head around in weird ways to avoid popping myself in the chin with the bar. It's ugly.) Overhead press day is the day when I most often feel the way I did when I first started lifting, mainly that I look like I have no idea what I'm doing and that I am struggling with embarrassingly light weights. It's not a fun feeling to return to, but it's probably good for my character.

Today I tried a split jerk instead of a push press, and it actually felt pretty good. Worked up to 85#x5 and was pretty please with how easily the weight went up, without getting stuck at my usual point.  The rest of my session felt good and pretty easy.

Training today:
Warmup: Is, Ts, Ys.

Main lift:
  • Split jerk for 6x5 sets working up to 85#x5 for last set 
  • Strict overhead press 55#x12
Accessory work: DB bench and band assisted pullups, plus some midback and tricep work.

Finisher: Erg 1500m

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