Monday, September 23, 2013

You know what's real important? Warming up

I know this. I know this. I have a solid 5-10 minute warm-up built into every day that I lift. But sometimes I get lazy, and I move through that warm-up too slowly or too quickly and I'm not paying attention and don't really realize/care that even though I have done my "warm-up," I am not, in fact, warmed up. Which is what happened today. So when I went to do a set of split-jerks with just the bar, on the very first one my left shoulder popped all crazy like and twinged in a not so great way and all of a sudden I realized how very NOT warmed up my shoulders were.

In the end it was not a huge deal, I switched to push presses instead of split jerks after a couple more unsuccessful-feeling sets of split jerks and kept the weight pretty light, as even after I actually did get myself thoroughly warmed up my left shoulder still felt a little unstable and I didn't feel like I was moving the bar with any sort of decent coordination. Especially since the overhead press/split jerk is not a competition lift there's just no reason to push it right now. And I was able to get all of my accessory bench work in even if I felt blech the whole time.

All in all, not the most successful day at the gym, but I went and got it done, so that is good. I only have two more weeks of real training before deload week before the comp, so I want/need to pick up my intensity to decent level over the next few training sessions. I will definitely be drinking some black coffee pre-workout, and I'm pretty sure that'll help.

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