Training today was essentially the exact opposite of my glorious, energy-filled, bursting with enthusiasm workout this past Saturday. I was dragging when I got to the gym and I was dragging when I left. I did get in all my required work though, and I think it's days like today that are the most important to push through in terms of developing mental toughness and strengthening my commitment to my training and my body. It probably helped that it was deadlift day, and shirking on deadlift day is basically against my religion.
Also, the more I learn about willpower and the neuroscience behind it, the more important it seems to engrain and practice habits that I value, as our brains get better at doing the things we do most often. I'm currently read The Willpower Instinct and have also read and enjoyed Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength. Both books back up the idea that pushing through and committing to finishing something like a tough workout trains your brain to push through other hard tasks in life as well. I figure if I can get even close to as much carryover effect from this as I have from meditation improving my focus, calm, and outlook in life, I will be doing really well.
Potential reasons I was dragging ass today:
1) It's literally 90+ degrees outside. I do not like the heat. The Y is not air conditioned. (Well, the cardio room is, but the weight room not so much.)
2) I'm dieting and it's working, the pounds are coming off (yay!) but this also means my body is at least somewhat in a catabolic state, which can definitely affect strength.
3) It was a non-stop day at the hospital today, and I am not yet used to those.
4) My iPod was dead, so no music to help key me up and keep me going (this was rough.)
In other totally unrelated news, I have found my new most-favorite refreshing beverage combination: 50% lemonade Vitamin Water and 50% cranberry lime Poland seltzer. It's delicious, for real.
Training today:
Warmup: kettlebells - swings and goblet squats with 20kg bell
Deadlift: 6 sets working up to 231#x6 (the same number of reps I hit at this weight when I was well-rested and on vacation, so I am considering it a win.)
Anderson front squats
It may not seem like a lot, but it took everything I had.
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