Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bench Day

Good things about today's training:
1) I benched 120#x2, with the first rep competition-clean (a solid pause on my chest and butt stayed on the bench), the second rep not so much.
2) I benched 125#x1, also competition clean (though the pause might have been slightly shorter - here's hoping the judge gives quick commands.)
3) I made it through all 5 sets of band-assisted pull-ups. For whatever reason these have felt really brutal lately and I have been skimping and only doing 2-4 sets instead of the planned 5.

Less good things:
1) I had every intention of biking from the gym to Walnut St to do hill sprints, but on the way home, with my stomach rumbling and my legs completely tanked from yesterday's deadlifts, I remembered that because I am not squatting until Sunday, I can actually do hill sprints tomorrow and still have a rest day before I train legs again. This led me to bike home instead of to Walnut St. How much I'll regret this decision tomorrow when instead of an off day I have to run a series of hill sprints after work remains to be seen . . .

At the moment, I'm thinking I will open my competition bench at 110#, set my second attempt at 120# and then my third at either 125# or 130# depending on how 120# feels. Even though I got 125# today, translating those numbers to competition, where my nerves are running high and I have to wait for commands to bench, press and rack, can be a tricky thing.

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