To avoid the problem of being too exhausted post-lifting and skipping my prescribed HIIT (high intensity internal training) that Jen recommended I add to my training to help me shed pounds for the competition I decided this week to do one of my 2 weekly HIIT sessions on Sunday. Another advantage of this is that I can run outside on an actual hill rather than a treadmill, which is more interesting, more challenging, safer (I am always convinced I am going to fall off the treadmill when sprinting) and I think all around just more effective. Today's 8 intervals of 20 seconds of sprinting up a hill in Somerville went something like this:
2 warm-up intervals, approximately 30 seconds each: Ah, these feel good, what a beautiful day, this hill is perfect.
Recovery #1: Jen said take enough time to fully recover, 1-3 minutes, this easy 1 minute stroll back down the hill seems perfect.
Interval #2: Whoo hoo! I can do this! Feeling good!
Recovery #2: Nice and easy, stroll down the hill, no rush.
Interval #3: Whew! This is intense. Not a problem though, nooooo big deal, I got this.
Recovery #3: Slooooow it down, let's take a little time to stretch at the bottom here, grab some water, important to be fully recovered!
Interval #4: Ouch. Lungs. Burning. Ouch.
Recovery #4: Half way there. I'm half way there. Half. Way. There.
Interval #5: I think I just strained my triceps. Running. Is that even possible? I don't know. It happened.
Recovery #5: 2 minutes is not enough recovery time.
Interval #6: I'm fairly certain I have asthma.
Recovery #6: 3 minutes is not enough recovery time.
Interval #7: Somebody get me an inhaler STAT.
Recovery #7: I have straight up entered a worm hole or time warp or something. 3 minutes has never gone by so quickly or with so much burning burning burning in my lungs.
Interval #8: Oh. My. God.
Recovery #8: Pretty sure I'm still recovering as I type this.
So yeah, on the plus side, the whole thing only took about 20-25 minutes, and it was a hell of a workout, and the burning was all in my lungs, not my muscles, which is ideal. Also, I didn't strain my glute yesterday as it felt fine today, so it must have just been cramping on me.
And now it's time for a nap.
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