Sunday, September 29, 2013


Today was . . .  SQUAT SUNDAY!

And it was as much fun as Squaterday (aka Saturday) used to be regularly, because just like Squaterday pre-June, I was training with Chris, which makes lifting immediately 1,000x more awesome.  In addition to being an awesome coach, he's also just a really intense and inspiring lifter, which always makes me push myself harder.

It was a great morning and reminded me how much fun it is to lift with other people (we were also training with another guy who is competing in the upcoming meet, which added to the fun), especially if you're all focused on the same thing. It was also helpful because we were lifting at Commonwealth Sports Club, and I like getting practice lifting in unfamiliar or less familiar environments with more people around as the transition from solo lifting at the Y to the atmosphere of a powerlifting meet can be a little overwhelming. It was also nice because the rack we were using was not set up with a mirror, which also replicates the set-up at the meet (it would have been even better if we could have gotten 20-30 people to sit in folding chairs and just stare at me while I attempted to squat but I suppose that it probably asking a bit much.)

My actual squat itself was unfortunately thoroughly unimpressive. The bar continues to feel incredibly heavy with anything over 135# on it. Today I worked up to 195#x3 and 205#x1, though Chris gave me a bit of a spot through my sticking point (I think I could have worked through it on my own though, but who knows.) It was great to get some coaching and cues from Chris, apparently I am going too low and losing some of my tightness at the bottom (which has always been an issue for me) and my heels are actually coming up off the floor at the bottom (that is really bad.) At this point I am just trying to get through the squat at the comp and do my real PR work on bench and dead, as I'm planning to open with 185# (lower than I've ever opened, but I need to get a clean lift in immediately so I don't worry about bombing out), and then trying for 205# (my current meet PR) and then 215#/225# based on how I'm feeling.

The rest of lifting felt great though, I did my last couple sets of snatch grip deads at 175#x6, and Chris said my overall form on those is looking really solid, so that was nice to hear. They also have a prowler at CSC so I finished with a couple rounds of prowler-pushing with 145# added to the sled and being able to finish a session with quick, intense conditioning always makes me extra happy.

To top it all off, it's re-feed day, so I am off to make myself some almond butter banana pancakes. YUM. Life. Is. Good.

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