Saturday, September 7, 2013

T-minus 5 weeks to my powerlifting meet.

If it were possible for me to bottle and sell the feeling I had for the majority of my workout this morning I would be a freaking millionaire. It was the elusive gym high that I used to get pretty consistently when I first started training but now only happens once a month or so if I'm lucky. I assume that's because I am essentially addicted to the rush of positive hormones that weight training/working out pumps into my body so rather than feeling it as a high at this point I usually just feel it as normal (and get super, super cranky if I don't get my fix at least every 48 hours.)

Potential reasons I felt so spectacular this morning:
1. I was in bed for 12 hours last night, and fast asleep for over 11 of them. I went to bed at 7:45pm. It was wonderful and so very, very necessary. The transition to clinic is usually exhausting, and this time is no different - there's something about being "on" so intensely mentally and physically for 8+ hours a day that always takes me a couple weeks to get used to.
2. I added 5g glutamine to my intra-workout cocktail (which already has about 8g creatine and 10g BCAAs)
3. It's the end of my deload week and happily my body is responding appropriately, acting refreshed and ready to train hard again.
4. Random luck.
5. I'm no longer struggling with my decision about cutting weight for the comp. I have decided to go for it, and do everything I can within reason to get to the 198 class. I weighed in at 208.4# this morning, and last time around I cut 10# with water manipulation alone, so I am feeling very positive about it being an all-around easier experience this time around. My nutrition coach has tweaked my plan and suggested I add in some morning fasted walking a couple times a week and we'll be adjusting as necessary for the next 5 weeks. I am excited and energized by having such clear focus for myself for the next month or so. Between giving my all in my clinic and putting the rest into competition prep (both training hard and dieting well), I know the next 5 weeks will be challenging but also super rewarding. I am happiest when I have distinct and specific goals and timelines to work with. It's game time, motherfuckers. Let's go.


Training today:
Squat (deload): 6 sets working up to 143#x5. Supersetted with core work.
Accessory: Speed sumo deads and pistol squats.
Finisher: Kettlebell complex.

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