Monday, October 7, 2013

On eating, sleeping, and exercising. Pretty much all I do anyways.

Since I'm not training this week as it's pre-comp deload time (my lifting focused activities today consist of foam rolling, stretching, and putting together a playlist of songs for the comp that I can turn to when I need instant motivation), I figured I'd catch up on sharing some articles that I have been meaning to link to.


This one is a really awesome and comprehensive discussion on "metabolic capacity," and goes into solid detail about how eating fuels (or fails to fuel) training.  Although the author is a physique competitor and she addresses some topics and issues that are more common for that population, I appreciated her insights on how limiting what you eat can limit how you perform, as I've struggled somewhat with balancing my desire to look a certain way and my desire to smash heavy weights as effectively as I possibly can.


As someone who is fairly sleep-obsessed (I need 8+ hours a night to maintain my function at work and in the gym, I'm way too into tracking the quality of my sleep with the iPhone Sleep Cycle app, and I firmly believe that the hours slept before midnight count more than the hours slept after, like I said, obsessed), I appreciated this article from Precision Nutrition about how to "hack your sleep." I think it's got a ton of good info and helpful advice about setting yourself up for better rest. There's also a link in that piece to another one of their articles that explains why sleep is so critical.


And finally, a friend of mine sent me this link months ago, but it's too cool not to share. It's a piece from the NYTimes on research that shows how exercise changes our genes. NBD.

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