Tuesday, October 22, 2013

New warm-up

I sort of hate warming up. When I get to the gym I generally want to get to work, and my warm up feels like dead time. I think I've only skipped it completely once or twice with fairly predictable consequences (taking forever to actually feel good moving weight and generally having a sub-par workout), but I often don't really give it as much attention and effort as I should. It makes sense that warming up well is critical for a successful lifting session, so I am dedicating myself to trying this warm-up from Molly Gailbraith for the next few weeks to see if 1) it works better than my current fairly stale routine and 2) if it really only takes 12 minutes. If so, I can be fully warmed up and ready to go in 15 minutes total (3 minutes of foam rolling to start things off, of course) which seems like a reasonable investment of time.

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