Thursday, October 10, 2013

Making weight

I made weight this morning! Doing this a day early definitely takes some anxiety away from the whole process as now I just have to monitor my water and food intake until tomorrow evening when I'll actually weigh in officially. I'd also still like to shed another pound or so of water weight since I was at 197.8 stark naked on my scale and although they do offer you private weigh-ins as needed in case you have to strip to make it into your weight class, if prefer to be able to keep a few articles of clothing on. 

This week has actually gone really well, working 9 hour days has been pretty easy so far and I feel like my energy level is staying up even though I haven't had more than 30-50g of carbs a day since last Saturday. I've been sleeping decently, only waking up 3-4 times a night, but able to fall back asleep easily (usually I sleep through the night no problem but last pre-comp period I was waking up at 2-3am for an hour or more for what I dubbed "worry hour" and my nutrition coach credits to too much cortisol-the stress hormone.)

Apologies if there are more typos than usual, I'm posting from my phone since my MacBook Air has decided to not turn on any more. Ah well, I made weight and that's enough to keep me thoroughly nonplussed about my computer. 


  1. Yay, Yay, Yay! Congratulations, Rachel!

  2. Congrats!!! But, damn, you have the worst computer in the history of time!
