Well, Chris successfully programmed a finisher for me that is worse than burpees --> pullups in terms of making me want to die/throw-up/throw myself on the ground and have a temper tantrum because I feel like I'm breathing so hard my lungs are going to turn inside out. (Obviously, I love/hate this feeling in equal measure.) Turns out 1/10 mile uphill treadmill sprints are actually
worse than burpees. Who knew? In my program I am supposed to do 6-8 at a time, but today I managed 4. Each one was brutal, and I was only working at incline 7 and "sprinting" at 7-7.3mph (my flat treadmill sprints were climbing to 9-9.5 mph.) Fun.
Training today:
Warmup: Kettlebells
Deadlift: 8x3 sets of deadlifts. Max at 221#x1. Supposed to be hitting reps of 3 for all sets but my form was questionable on my single at 221# so I backed the weight back down and finished with a couple sets of 199#x3. All supersetted with core stability work.
Accessory: single-leg squats
Finisher: Uphill treadmill sprints. It doesn't get any more real.
Whoa!! I just might be stupid enough to try this! We'll talk...