Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Super Spicy Raw Kale Salad

Kale is one of those "super foods" that I have read about why I should eat so many times that I just do, even though I can't remember it's specific health benefits. It also shows up in my CSA a lot so that helps too. I often saute it with some onions and garlic, and there are some killer cheesy kale lasagna recipes out there, but in the summer I love this recipe because it does not involve turning on the oven or stove and it comes together in less than 5 minutes (especially if you buy chopped up kale in bags from Trader Joe's.)

The first version of this recipe I tried was from Eric Cressey's website (yup, a strength and conditioning coach), but I like the quantities listed below better than his original version. It's also nice with some olive oil but totally not necessary if you are watching your fat intake/calorie count.


  • 10-16 oz kale, roughly chopped, thick stems removed (you can include or omit the thinner stems, I like the crunch but they can be tougher to chew through)
  • 4 TB balsamic vinegar
  • 2 TB dijon mustard
  • 1 tsp crushed red pepper
  • 1 tsp fresh ground black pepper
  • 1/4 tsp kosher salt
  • Optional: 1-2TB extra virgin olive oil


  • Put chopped kale into a large bowl.
  • Whisk together vinegar, mustard, peppers and salt (and olive oil if using.)
  • Pour over kale and massage into leaves with your hands (this is the fun part!) for 1-3 minutes. Really work the dressing into the leaves and don't be afraid to squeeze them and break up the kale some more; as you do so your giant mound of kale will reduce in size and increase in deliciousness exponentially.
  • Let sit in the fridge for several hours to several days - the longer it sits the more the vinegar "cooks" the kale leaves and the tenderer they get!


  • This is very spicy, so if you like less spice cut both peppers in half.
  • I am sure this would work well with other vinegars and seasonings, experiment and have fun!

P.s. In case you're curious, I googled why kale is so good for us, here are some awesome kale facts, courtesy of WebMD:

  • It's part of the cruciferous family which also includes cabbage, collards, broccoli and brussel sprouts (which, come to think of it are all sort of super-foods.)
  • One cup of chopped kale has:
    • 206% RDA vitamin A
    • 134% RDA vitamin C
    • 684% RDA vitamin K
  • It's a good source of copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron and manganese
  • Fiber content helps bind to bile acids and lower blood cholesterol and reduce risk of heart disease (kale is better at this when cooked.)

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