It was heavy deadlift day and though going in I felt like the weight/rep scheme seemed a little easy, it definitely felt heavy by the end. Heavy enough apparently to distract me to the point that I dropped a 20kg plate directly on my foot while unloading the bar. OUCH. It effing hurt. I guess I'm lucky though that it wasn't an iron plate as I feel like that would have been more likely to do serious damage. As it is I think I escaped with a little bruising and swelling but nothing broken. I did skip my farmer's walks though since I figured loading up my foot with an extra 120# and carrying it around probably wouldn't help me much.
Training today:
Warmup: Foam rolling and Meathead Mobility
Warm-up Deads: 133#x5,5; 165#x5; 199#x3; 221#x3
Competition Deadlift: 241#x2repsx3sets
2" Deficit Deadlift: 226#x5, 4 (I don't know at what point or why I thought pulling 226# from a deficit wasn't heavy enough - sometimes I amaze myself.)
Kettlebell Swings: 20kgx25, 25, 20, 15, 15, 10
Walking Lunge 25#DBsx10repsx4sets
Goodmornings 105#x10repsx4sets
Wide-grip Seated Pulley Rows (in place of stupid band pullups): 70#x10, 90#x9, 100#x8, 110#x10 (need to up the weight next time around)
Dude, that sucks. OUCH!!