Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Not-squatting leg day

Because I am being SMART about letting my knee heal, even though it is hard to do I am not squatting this week. Today would have been squat day but instead I made it a second deadlift/rehab-y day. I ended up working up to 221#x5 conventional deadlift after a bunch of snatch-grip-pause-deads, so all in all was a success. I haven't tried a conventional stance deadlift in a couple months and while it felt a little strange, my back stayed straight(ish) and my knees didn't collapse in so all the sumo-style work I have been putting in is having nice carryover effects too. Yay effective training!

My knee felt good throughout, which was a positive sign, and the kettlebell finisher at the end with a 16kg bell left me sufficiently exhausted/wanting to throw up to make me feel like I'd put in a good day's work :)

The only negative on the day is that it is probably the last time I'll train with Eric for a while since he's moving to the 'burbs to be closer to his clinic placement. This is a major bummer and I will miss him a lot.

Training today:
Snatch grip pause deads (5x5, max at 177#x5.) Conventional dead 221#x5.
Accessory: single-leg bridges and static lunges (all unweighted)
Finisher: Kettlebell complex with 16kg bell. Successfully completed 8,6,4,2 rep sets without vomiting.

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