Well, it's turned into rather a larger bump than I first anticipated . . . 12 days in and my ribs are still pretty sore. I haven't been able to lift heavy since I messed them up at TPS, and after a couple attempts at training around the soreness and trying to get some work in without aggravating the injury, I ended up deciding to take a week of complete rest in advance of the powerlifting clinic I'm going to this Saturday. It's run by the Juggernaut team, specifically Brandon Lilly and Chad Smith and I've been looking forward to it for the past couple months. At this point I'mn just hoping I'll be able to squat and deadlift enough to 1) not feel completely embarassed about my numbers and 2) actually be able to take advantage of the coaching opportunity. I gave up on being able to bench by this Saturday, considering I can't even weight-bear through my left arm enough to foam roll properly, the chances of me benching are nil. (On a side note, I now know that my lackadaisical 5 minutes on the foam roller every session was working, being away from it for a couple weeks my IT bands are absurdly tight and making my knees even crankier than usual. So yeah, all that insistent chatter about the benefits of foam rolling is legit.)
The last 12 days have been hard. I don't feel like myself. I miss the gym tremendously, both the time spent there and the feeling of satisfaction, exhaustion and euphoria that comes afterwards. The 5 minutes of stretching and yoga and feeling grateful that I had been finishing my workouts with feels extra poignant now. I'm glad I started doing it, but wow am I going to be feeling 1,000x more gratitude once I'm back to heavy weights after this experience. At the same time, I am trying to remember to be grateful for all the things I can still do: walk, work, get through my day without assistance, etc. I know that in the grand scheme of things this injury and setback is minor and I am still wildly fortunate in terms of physical health. At the same time, it's still really shitty.
I think one of the hardest things has been not knowing how long this is going to last. I am hoping that I will be able to get back to regular, semi-heavy lifting next week, and that within another 3-4 weeks I'll be back to lifting pain-free and hopefully making progress again, but it's hard to predict, and even harder to tell at what point it's safe for me to go back to lifting heavy. On the one hand, I don't want to delay healing or turn this into a chronic issue, on the other hand I don't want to take a ton of time off and lose a lot of strength and fitness and have to rebuild all that. There's also plenty of anecdotal evidence that it's just fine to train through these types of minor injuries as long as the pain/discomfort isn't unbearable and isn't causing any compensatory negative movement patterns. I know that in all of this I am very far from being able to take a clear and objective perspective, but I'm trying.
Darn, Rach! I hope the clinic today is fun and productive -- I've been thinking about you all morning. I'm sorry you're still hurting.